The annual meeting for the Albany Tennis Club will be held via Zoom in November (date to be announced). During the meeting, we will report on the state of the club, various issues and undertakings for 2023 and 2024, and address any member concerns.
Elections are also right around the corner for the 13 seats of the ATC Board. With the exception of our manager and several part-time maintenance staff, the ATC is a volunteer organization that is dedicated to promoting tennis and maintaining our facilities.
If you are interested in becoming a Board member, please contact President Bruce McBride or any Board member to discuss what this position entails. The other Board members are Steve Angle, Theresa Cary (Secretary), Ned Foss (Treasurer), Gary Henning (Vice President), Jay Martin, Dave Motta, Betsy MacMaster, Marc Gerstman, and Pete Reed.
We can be reached via our email address at